Posted in Everyday Literacy, Literacy Activity Calendars, Outdoor Literacy

October Literacy Activity Calendar

The weather is getting cooler, the days are getting shorter, and the leaves are starting to change colours!  Here are some great ideas for you to use with your children!  I wonder what adventure you might find yourself on if you let the children decide which way to go!


Posted in Nursery Rhymes, Outdoor Literacy, Story Time in the Park

A peak inside Story Time in the Park

American poet, Maya Angelou, once said “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”  I keep that thought with me as I travel around Oxford County this summer.

I am a little over halfway through the 2016 Story Time in the Park programs, and have had the privilege of meeting many new families and reconnecting with some familiar ones (whose children are growing so quickly), and working with some wonderful community partners.  I am often reminded at how lucky I am to be doing the work that I am doing and how small moments to connect with families can make a difference in both their lives…and mine!

I am grateful to Sarah McDonald, from Oxford County Library, for putting this short video together to highlight some of the fun things we do at Story Time in the Park, how simple messages and teachable moments can be included while you are playing, and how being passionate about your work brings out the best in you and the people around you!

Thanks also goes out to the Thamesford community for joining me in the park for stories, songs and rhymes, and for being engaged in their children’s early literacy development! There are more Story Time in the Park dates coming up, and I would love to meet you there.  Have a look at the video to catch a glimpse of the fun we will have together!

Don’t forget to click “follow” to stay up to date with new programs and resources!

Read! Talk! Sing! Play!

Posted in Nursery Rhymes, Outdoor Literacy, Story Time in the Park

Story Time in the Park – Mapped!

My colleague, Danika, the Data Analysis Coordinator for Oxford Ontario Early Years has put together a map, outlining all of the locations I will be visiting this summer.  I hope that you will share with families so that they can join us for some free, fun outdoor literacy learning!  10:00-11:30 am in each location, see you there!

Map of Story Time in the Park Locations