Posted in Everyday Literacy, Literacy Activity Calendars

December Literacy Activity Calendar

As the colder weather descends upon the province, I am reminded of the activities that make me feel warm, comforted and connected to my friends and family.  Whether it is sharing our favourite holiday story, snuggling up for a great family movie, or gathering around the table for a friendly (and often) competitive game of cards, it is the “being present” that means so much.  I am grateful for the impact these activities have on our well-being as a family, and how little it costs us to do them.  What activities will you share with your family this season?  What memories and traditions do you hold on to?

Please feel free to share the December Literacy Activity Calendar with your families.


Posted in Everyday Literacy, Language Development, Literacy Activity Calendars

November Literacy Activity Calendar

Words are a gift!  When you give young children the words for things, actions, and activities, you are giving them the gift of vocabulary development: a deeper understanding of the world around them and the tools they will need to communicate with others.  The November Literacy Activity Calendar can be found by clicking below, and has some great ideas for encouraging vocabulary development with young children.


For more information on the power of your words, check out this video from the London Child and Youth Network on the 2000 Words to Grow campaign.  See the impact that your words can have!

Posted in Everyday Literacy, Literacy Activity Calendars, Outdoor Literacy

October Literacy Activity Calendar

The weather is getting cooler, the days are getting shorter, and the leaves are starting to change colours!  Here are some great ideas for you to use with your children!  I wonder what adventure you might find yourself on if you let the children decide which way to go!


Posted in Everyday Literacy, Literacy Activity Calendars, Uncategorized

August Literacy Activity Calendar

I hope that you are enjoying the hot summer weather, and are finding creative and fun ways to stay cool this summer.  Here is the August Literacy Activity Calendar, filled with activities to promote literacy and numeracy development with young children. A printable PDF version can be found on the website at: August Literacy Activity CalendarAugust 2016

Posted in Early Years, Everyday Literacy, Fine Motor Development, Physical Health and Well-being

Strength Training for Learning

This morning I had the pleasure of talking with parents about the expectations for children as they prepare to enter into Kindergarten.  We talked about reading every day as a way for children to become curious about different topics, establishing safe and warm routines that children can return to after a day at school (snuggled up close with a caring adult, sharing a story), and exploring opportunities for children to become little scientists: curious, questioning and creative.  We also talked about the everyday things that we can do to develop literacy skills (like the ones you can find on the Literacy Activity Calendars).

As we talked, I was reminded about all the wonderful learning opportunities that playdough provides young children.  It is a wonderful tool that offers children an error-free opportunity to play, express themselves and create.  There is no wrong way to play with playdough!  When we look at the recent data from the Early Development Instrument, we see that there are children in our communities who are vulnerable on the Physical Health and Well-being domain, including fine motor development.  When we consider the little hands that are about to take on some pretty big tasks in Kindergarten, it is important to remember to build all those muscles that will help them succeed in these tasks.  Think of it as strength-training for the hands and mind.  When children squish, roll, push, pat and play with playdough, they are building muscle strength in their hands that will allow them to hold writing tools effectively.  They are exercising their vocabulary when they describe what they are doing with the playdough, and they are learning about cause and effect while using different tools with playdough (including scissors).

Here is an article from NAEYC that outlines some further benefits to playing with playdough.  Playdough Power

Is playdough part of your strength training routine?  What are some of your favourite activities to do with playdough?



Posted in Everyday Literacy, Language Development, Literacy Activity Calendars

May Literacy Activity Calendar

Check out these simple literacy activities that you can do each day of the month!

You will find the most current literacy activity calendar here:

Current Literacy Activity Calendar under “Literacy Activities”

Literacy can happen anywhere!  What is your favourite activity to do with your child?

May 2016