Posted in Brain Development, Early Years, Oxford County, Professional Development

The Art of Building People

Congratulations to all early learning professionals!  I wish you a wonder-filled Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day!  The work you are doing each and every day impacts the children you are working with for a lifetime.  Think about that for a moment…

A lifetime!

All of these small, everyday experiences that we provide in our early learning programs, each and every interaction that we have with the children in our care, every laugh we share with them, every tear we soothe away…this is a great responsibility, and a wonderful opportunity to model for and shape the next generation of decision-makers, innovators, creative thinkers and compassionate human beings.

What impression will you leave on their experience?  How will you involve and support their families?  Whose life will you make a difference in?

Why do you do the work you are doing?

Posted in Everyday Literacy, Literacy Activity Calendars, Outdoor Literacy

October Literacy Activity Calendar

The weather is getting cooler, the days are getting shorter, and the leaves are starting to change colours!  Here are some great ideas for you to use with your children!  I wonder what adventure you might find yourself on if you let the children decide which way to go!
