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August Literacy Activity Calendar

I can’t believe that we are saying good-bye to July and hello to August already!  I hope that everyone is having an enjoyable summer. If you haven’t come out to visit us at our STORY TIME IN THE PARK it’s not too late. We still have several communities that we will be visiting. Please check the left side of the calendar for a location near you. It is a free program designed for families with young children, where we will celebrate Canada with stories, songs & rhymes.  Hope to see you there.

August Literacy Activity Calendar

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Printing Letters

Do have a child starting school in September? Are you concerned that they are not yet able to print their name? Don’t be! A 3 or 4 year old beginning kindergarten is not expected to be able to print their entire name. What I did hear a lot of teachers telling parents is that it would be beneficial if a child is able to print the first letter of their name as well as recognize their printed name.

A great tool I like to use with the kids to practice printing their letters is to sprinkle some table salt on a cookie sheet and use a dull pencil  (a golf pencil is the perfect size for small hands) to print letters in. Give the tray a little shake and start all over again. Chances are these are items that you already have at home, so it is an affordable and enjoyable activity that will keep your child’s interest for some time.

Please feel free to share your ideas and pictures of your child practicing printing their first letter.