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Family Literacy Day

Hello! My name is Michelle Batt and I am the new Early Literacy Specialist for Oxford County. I apologize for the delay in my introduction, however I came into this role at a very busy time. I have completed 13 Family Literacy Day Events across our county with 1 more to go in Brownsville next Saturday. It has  been an absolute pleasure to participate in these wonderful, story filled, song filled, smile filled events. I have met and worked alongside some lovely and dedicated community partners who participate in this event year after year. A big shout out to Mary and Anne from the Parent-Child Mother Goose program who were with me at each of the locations sharing their gift with the families across our county. I loved to see the smiles on the children’s faces as we shared a special time together, with songs, stories and a FREE book that they got to take home. I look forward to seeing you again during the summer at our Story Time in the Park. The theme this year is Let’s Celebrate Canada. Watch for us under the canopy at a park near you!

Tavistock Literacy 2