Posted in Professional Development

Stories Rock!

Last night, I had the pleasure of meeting with some very creative early learning professionals to create some new tools for sharing stories with young children.  We reflected on the importance of providing a variety of tools, resources and materials for children to create and share their own stories, and then we set to the task of creating story stones to use in our programs.

It did not take long for this group to find their own inner artists!  Check out the pictures below!

Have you used story stones in your program?  I would love to see pictures!

I wonder what would inspire the children in these programs if they were given the same tools, resources and materials to create their own stories?  There may be a challenge here!

Next workshop is Thursday, October 6th.  Find more information here:

Making Connections

Posted in Early Literacy Forum, Uncategorized

Registration is Open!

To register for the 2016 Early Literacy Forum, please click the link below and complete the online form.  Please remember that the $20.00 registration fee must be received in order to hold your spot in your preferred workshops.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone in October!  Online form can be found here:

2016 Early Literacy Forum Registration


If you prefer to print and send in a copy of your registration form, you can email to and a PDF version can be opened here:


Posted in Early Literacy Forum

Early Literacy Forum – Details Released!

Click below to see the Early Literacy Forum Brochure!


Details about the Early Literacy Forum have been released!  Check out what we have to offer you this year!  Registration will open this Friday, September 9th!  Be sure to click on follow and submit your email to be alerted when the registration form is published!  You will also be able to print this from our website at Oxford Early Literacy